Memory is an extremely tricky thing, at least in my circumstances it is. Looking available, over a year's span of activity my memory seems to pick and choose what it remembers. It amazes me not so much what a person remembers what amount can i a person forgets.

Often some old-timer will moan about precisely how much he misses the prior. I'm not sure if she is thinking of World War II also know as the great Depression. I'm ensure during the great Depressive disorder some wonderful memories were created, but I'm not sure anyone wants to return to those thrilling days associated with yesterday.

The bad was lower bad as we remember and many good was poorer as we boast.

Some things are most sensible forgotten and some things are never forgotten; my trouble is remembering which is which. (Personally, I don't distinguish "which" and "that. ")

Several things about the old year bear a serious look. The past year, to start with, was not just a year but several years swish together. Sometimes I'm certain which year I been with us.

The year 2004, like all its brothers before it, actually consisted of three years.

First, there is all seasons that really was. "Just truth, ma'am. "

I'm a little fuzzy using this one. For one point, looking at my checkbook entries (at least which of them I remembered to enter) during the last year was a promising one than I recall.

I really do not recollect having the perfect fun indicated by excavation bank statement. Why is it that no matter how much money I had put together into my bank identification, more money comes shopping.

Evidently, some phantom creature is the owner of my checkbook.

President Ronald Reagan was accused of voodoo economics. Reviewing in order to bank statements, I are usually accused of "Who-do" economics.

My income tax statement is another perplexity. I can never pick it up. If the government said I made that much money, I must have made that quite a bit money and owe too hard in taxes.

Speaking by government, what I do not realize is how they have a clue much I owe, for your penny, along with millions of other Americans and cannot collect Osama bin Laden. I am certain exactly how to pin down this conundrum.

One surefire way of the company's finding him is leaking near government that Osama pile Laden owes taxes and he's caught before April 15, automated.

Second, there is all seasons I re-member.

This year is shorter than the already present one, for some odd reason. The year I recall had only two few years; this month and on february. And believe me, "last month" certainly are a stretch for me.

Honestly, I remember paying the electric $, contrary to what the electric company says. My problem with the electric company is that during the space of a year they give 12 bills and My goal is to only remember two.

They penalize me their own screwing up but they do not credit my account while they screw up -- like without the need electricity for four days -- twice a year ago. Oh, that I remember don't forget it well. In contributing factor, if my memory serves me correctly it absolutely was more like 90 mornings.

I remember deducting the monthly service charges from my bank once a month. Well, maybe not "each just what every" month. Why visitors three checks bounced becomes beyond my comprehension.

Should the bank charge a larger fee to your personal bounced check than the value of the stop by? I don't think soon. Isn't it the bank's business to keep their records straight? Why do i have to spend so enough time each month on my business checkbook account?

Last, but certainly not least, is all seasons the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage remembers.

At certain times, I am tempted contemplate (at least it's the things i call thinking) my your mom lives one life and i also live something altogether in contrast to hers. The things she remembers that took place during the year are beyond my don't forget.

I am beginning to think she remembers things that never occurred. Of course, and I say this with all sincerity, I would never contradict the truck bed cover's memory.

For the life of me I am not sure where I was when most of these things happened that states happened. Nor do I know where We had been when I promised to do everything she said I guaranteed.

Even in my most effective mind, (of which I will not much left) I would not concede to help remodel the area. I would never accuse the truck bed cover's, heaven forbid, of benefiting from me in this locale. The thought is not a stranger inside my go, although rational thoughts are.

King Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, framed his thoughts as a result, "Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, even though evil days come would you, nor the years bring nigh, when thou shalt found, I have no pleasure included; " (Ecclesiastes 12: 1 KJV. )

Solomon's decision was, "now" is more essential than "then. "

The Apostle Paul had a wonderful idea with this a few remembering. "Brethren, I count not myself have an apprehended: but this is it that I do, forgetting the actions which are behind, and reaching forth unto the actions which are before, I press along at the mark for the prize of the high calling of Lord in Christ Jesus. " (Philippians 3: 13-14 KJV. )

It does not matter how much I can remember in past, as long as I make sure that you set Christ before me in every one I do in 2005.



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