Depression is relevant to anyone, no matter what what their age is, lifestyle, family history or your gender. The causes are wide ranging and can be triggered by a few factors or events single person's life. Sometimes it does not cause or trigger. Because can affect anyone, the results on some people or demographics may vary. Research in to complication of depression sufferers has shown that:


  • Women are twice as likely to attract depression as men;

  • Women may be at and the higher chances of suffering depression aided by hormonal changes brought inside by puberty, menstruation, menopausal, and pregnancy

  • Women are twice as likely to attract anxiety or phobias than as well as men when the anxiety is present alongside depression, treatment can be additional complicated

Interesting Fact

Depression is a real mental illness, not an indication of weakness. Some of earth's most famous and powerful leaders have had it, including Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln subsequently and Mahatma Gandhi.


  • Although women are likely to suffer from depression, men are likely to commit suicide - this may be because men are more hesitant to seek help (NHS, 2009);

  • Men are likely to use alcohol or medicine to cover their condition whilst some will go undiagnosed.


  • Depression can affect people of all ages, including children;

  • Studies have shown to help you 2% of teenagers throughout the uk are affected by frustration (NHS, 2009);

  • Approximately 1 in 10 children younger than fifteen has a mind disorder such as becoming easily irritated. The difference between students is smaller than an impact between adult men and women

  • The rate of mental conditions tends to rise in adolescence.


  • Older people may lose members of the family and have to fix living alone. They may become physically ill and in order to be as active as they once were. These changes can the delicate process of contribute.

  • Many older not many are diagnosed with depression and never seek help for their clients condition;

  • Approximately 1 in 5 senior living within the community suffer from depression, while 2 in 5 residing care homes will struggle this disorder


  • People with a family history and ancestors of depression are likely to experience it themselves (NHS, 2009)

  • It is extremely estimated that 420, 000 Britons are challenged with work related stress may possibly making them ill with conditions just like depression and anxiety.

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