Scientologists will explain chemical imbalances do most certainly not exist. In their view manic episodes rrs going to be treated with periods caused introspection and audits; a perception which is particularly bizarre and scientifically untenable.

Chemical imbalances do exist in the brain. We've them, not just people with clinical instances of spoken illness. A perfect chemical balance rrs going to be unnatural. However, every balance goes through a number of sinusoidal curves, these are sometimes known mood swings. Mood swings can leave the charted in the sinusoidal normality and become styles of depression or mania. While small shifts in mood are typical, and a complete the opposite side them would point to many psychosis and a lack of balance in the do not forget, large shifts can prove devastating.

Scientologists believe in which the large swings can be controlled without chemically disrupting the brain. This could also be utter nonsense. From among my case studies the patient with an acute manic episode was hospitalized for just two weeks and given great does of psychotropic nutritional vitamin supplements, such as haldol, seryquil so i depacote. If given connected with a person in the material swing of emotion, seryquil for example would knock a recommended person out on a day. These drugs had no effect on the patient in they. As time passed the sufferer convinced the doctors that he or she is released, however the relapse was swift plus in two weeks the subject was previously again in a subconscious hospital.

Although the medications wouldn't normally prevent the subject a result of going off them, what eventually saved he was the realization that wouldn't it be best to seek help and additionally drugs to control the complaint. While the hardest part with regard to the patient was to own up to the diagnosis, the only thing that could eventually bring down the mania any heavy drug cocktail and many weeks of lockdown.

Arguing that such severe episodes while further controlled through meditation will not absurd. Depression, like mania on the other end of the series, can be an equal debilitating condition. While a manic patient exhibits uncontrollable numbers of energy, one that location depressed lacks this seriously energy. Depression can influence suicide, just as mania could lead to reckless behavior and stop with equally grievous success. Not medicating a severe few depression can mean a significant difference between life and control. The quality of lifetime of people on medication is much better then of those that are not on medication and making the effort to self medicate. Scientology claims are largely based on science fiction, claims who will be highly harmful those experiencing mania or depression.



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